Prez Letter (March 2020)

Hello KASZ Members,
     I wish to welcome the many new members that have recently joined. I’m amazed with the talent and experience they bring to us. Some have already stepped up to get involved.
Kathy Carpenter, a retired finance professional has agreed to replace Theresa (our current Treasurer) as she “retires” to travel. Also, welcome to our new Greeter, Ruben Regalado- a long time Kyle resident and experienced with “hugging” people. 
Well, KASZ met an important mild-stone this month. The St David Foundation who financially supports Non- profit organizations, met with our board through their consultant to review our Corporation. The consultant was very positive with our direction and good things are in our future. This visit and review were a good “first-shot” on how we should present ourselves to professional potential donors. Thank you, Board, for the support and hard work. 
Get ready for some more new activities coming your way. I’m so happy to see our first Bible Class coming. Please support this program that will be conducted by a retired professional preacher. 
I hope my personal presentation on final planning struck a nerve to get our members ready for our last days. You owe it to your kids to be ready. I know. Hope the speech and 5-page hand out will motivate you to “just do it”. I would be glad to help anyone that may need further assistance. 
Finally, please support our many events that we bring. As we get older the “Senior Workshops” can be beneficial and potentially save your life.
I feel our 2020 vision for KASZ will be exciting this new year and we should see some major advancements. 

Stay warm….stay safe.

Larry, President

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