From the Prez….
Hello KASZ Seniors
Hope you all are as well as could be expected. If we can keep holding on we may be labeled the Enduring Generation”
Looks like the city will be reviewing the Governors orders on May 18th and then pass down instructions for facility use. We have no idea on what they will tell us.
We know that if we ever get back into the building, we as KASZ leadership will have a serious role to enforce stringent health and safety measures for our members. And we will take it serious to the letter. We will work closely with the city.
We had our first Zoom board meeting and I want to thank the board for all participating and welcoming us electronically into their homes. The meeting went well and business was conducted well.
We are again looking for a replacement for PEC (Programs and Entertainment Coordinator). Dawn is doing the jobs of Communications Chair and PEC, whoever takes over will be coached by Dawn and should have no problem.
I want to remind anyone with a key to not enter the Krug Building for any reason. If we had to get in, we will ask the city for permission.
So far, we know of no member with the virus and that we are so thankful for. Please stay safe and happy. We are all in this together.
God Bless
God Bless to All.
Larry, President