Prez Letter (9/15/19)

From the PREZ..

As I complete my first full year as your President, I want to thank you for your support and patience.

To say the least, I learned a lot and have much more to learn.  A lot of you know me and my leadership style is to give 100% to what I do. The highlight of my first year had to be when the City offered KASZ 5 acres of parkland on a nearby lake to build a modern senior center for the seniors of Kyle.  It was an honor to receive this gesture from the city, but it’s a long journey.  We will do it…..

Surprisingly the new facility plans are coming together because we have great members and friends who came together to help learn and plan especially in our Assessment Phase.   We will keep you posted on the progress and you are always invited to our upstairs conference room to see where we are heading.

We had more members sign up for positions on our board and are needing a few more.  This Tuesday, we will present the slate of candidates and take nominations from the floor for this year’s board election.  Don’t be shy- we need your time and talent. The pay is great (right)…

We had a great Senior Series Education Session Tuesday on Hearing which included an Ear Exam.  We always learn so much from our great speakers.  Thank you, Bob Ferguson, for hosting this program. In the next few weeks, we will focus on MEDICARE updates and changes for 2020.  Don’t miss it!   

We are working on a few programs to be coming soon:  The Parade, Hula for Health, Seniors Bible Study, Christmas Day Lunch, Christmas Dinner, and a Noon Year’s Eve Event.  

Thank you for your support and participation…


Larry S.

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