Wish we had better news to tell you…. but in the lite of the Governor’s latest advise/orders, we do not have an open go-live date for KASZ yet. When I get asked what date we will open, I reply that we are looking at Sept. 1 at best.
In the meantime, I want everyone reading this to please reach out and call another member. There is so much joy when we do this. We are a social creature by nature and if we can’t see or touch our friend – call or text them is the next best thing.
We had great new last week with our building committee. Our Building Committee Chair, Olivia Duran, was able to secure a consultant from The St David’s Foundation. She has been contacted to help our committee to develop the Feasibility Study and Business Plan. We are establishing deadline dates for these two important studies/plans. All this will be paid by St David’s.
Also, a survey will soon be out so you can help plan our future Senior Community Center.
I want to wish you all a Happy Independence Day. No matter how crazy this Covid-19 situation is, America will get through this and be a better Nation.
God bless you all,